Watch "Numbers on a Page" documentary

"Numbers on a Page: The Seniors Care Crisis in Alberta" weaves together the voices of several people affected by a wave of closures of seniors homes that began in 2012. The film shows the human face behind the declining number of long-term care beds in Alberta, a trend that has left seniors with complex care needs and their families feeling abandoned by the seniors care system. It also fills in the context for this crisis, including the government and Alberta Health Services’ increasingly arms-length approach to seniors care that is diverting more and more public funding to private operators.

Premiere Screening

Monday, February 2, 2015. Doors open at 6:30.

Zeidler Hall, Citadel Theatre (directions)
9828 101a Avenue, Edmonton AB

The screening will begin at 7:00 and will be followed by a panel discussion including several participants from the film. A reception will follow in the Shoctor Lobby (3rd floor).

Reserve your seats online or call (780) 930-5287. This event is free of charge. 

Book a Screening
Contact us to arrange a screening of Numbers on a Page: The seniors care crisis in Alberta in your community!

  • Has your community faced the closure of a long-term care facility?
  • Is your organization active on issues facing Alberta seniors?
  • Are your community members struggling to find appropriate seniors care?
  • Are you a seniors care worker interested in putting your experiences into context?

Nearly every Albertan will come into contact with the patchwork of continuing care services at some point in our lives or the lives of our loved ones. Putting Seniors First can help to put Alberta’s seniors care sector into context by arranging an interactive presentation including a film screening and discussion in your community or organization.